Archived Issues

dark humor

The Dolomite of Dark Humor

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Volume I, Issue X          January 1, 2000

internet humor

Foul-Mouthed Demagoguery

Dirty Pictures

Assorted Humor, Satire and Libel

Editorial: "Screwloose: The Musical," By Rob Reuter

Editorial: "Blaming Your Wife and Appliance Beastiality," By Paul St. Fakename, Esq.

"Politically Incoherent," By John Saleeby

"The American Jerk Month In Pictures," By Paul St. Fakename, Esq.

Kiddie Korner: "Squinty the Monkey Needs a Ride," By Rob Reuter and Keith Host

"WAVing Our Dicks at The Movies II: The RealAudio Experiment," By Paul St. Fakename, Esq., Rob Reuter and Brian Apprille

"How to Meet Your Mate Online, Then Dump Them," By Rob Reuter

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The American Jerk™ and all contents © 1999 - 2005 by Rob Reuter and Paul St. Fakename, Esq., © 2006 by Rob Reuter.