Tag Archives: 2008 Academy Awards

Spontaneous Utterances

Having failed miserably in my great experiment to watch all the Oscar-nominated movies before the awards ceremony, I tuned in for the same reason as everyone else who isn’t living in Hollywood, obsessed with fashion and vintage jewelry, or gay: to see if someone would go completely off the rails during a live broadcast. [read more at link] Continue reading

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What A Pity You Don’t Understand

He went out on a limb to cast a notoriously difficult and erratic former star in an Oscar-grade picture to give him a second shot at fame, and how is he repaid? By you taking advantage of having your name in print for the first time in ten years on something besides a subpoena to cynically grab a percentage of the pay-per-view on an event historically embraced by children, or rednecks who find themselves confused and baffled by fucking NASCAR. [read more at link] Continue reading

Posted in Editorial, Foul-Mouthed Demagoguery | Tagged | 2 Comments

The Dark Knight Falls

No nomination for The Dark Knight, huh? You know, for an organization that’s named itself after a school, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is as dumb as a sack of Gumps. And that’s saying something, because Forrest … Continue reading

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